How to eat Surstromming

Surströmming is a type of fermented fish that is popular in Sweden. It is typically made from Baltic herring and has a strong, pungent smell.

Here are some steps you can follow to eat surströmming:

  1. Open the can of surströmming carefully, as the fermented fish can release a strong smell when the can is opened.
  2. Rinse the fish in cold water to remove excess salt and remove the bones.
  3. Slice the fish into thin pieces and serve on a slice of buttered, toasted bread.
  4. Accompany the surströmming with boiled potatoes, diced onions, and some dill. Some people also like to add sour cream or chives to their surströmming.
  5. Enjoy the surströmming with a cold beer or aquavit. It is traditional to eat surströmming on midsummer’s eve in Sweden.

It is important to note that surströmming is a strong-tasting food that may not be to everyone’s taste. If you have never had it before, it might be a good idea to try a small piece first to see if you like it.