Monthly Archives: August 2023

Surströmming Pairings: A Culinary Adventure

photo of person pouring wine into glass besides some cheese pairings

Let’s dive into the world of Surströmming pairings. Now, if you’ve tackled the challenge of opening a can of Surströmming without fainting, congratulations! You’ve conquered half the battle. The next step? Figuring out what to eat with it. The Traditional Approach Traditionally, Surströmming is served with tunnbröd, a type of thin bread, along with potatoes, […]

Understanding the Surströmming Season: A Stinky Affair

yellow dry maple

If you’ve ever wondered about the Surströmming season, you’re in the right place. This Swedish delicacy, known for its powerful aroma, is not just any ordinary food; it has its own season. From the intricacies of its production to the cultural significance, let’s delve into understanding the Surströmming season. The Surströmming Season: When and Why? […]