Before we get into how to prepare a traditional surströmming meal, it is important to discuss the proper way to open the can. The gases released during the fermentation process can pressurize and deform the can, making it nearly explosive. There are two recommended methods for opening a can of surströmming: the safe way and […]
Many people are surprised to find that surströmming, a fermented herring dish from Sweden, does not taste as bad as it smells. Its flavor is fishy, but also has a sharp, tangy taste similar to a good blue cheese. It is an acquired taste that many Swedes enjoy, but it may take some time for […]
Fermented herring, or surströmming, has a strong, pungent smell that is often described as sour and fishy. The smell is a result of the fermentation process, during which the fish’s proteins break down and release a range of odorous compounds. The aroma of surströmming can be quite overpowering and may not be to everyone’s taste. […]
Surströmming is a type of fermented fish that is popular in Sweden. It is typically made from Baltic herring and has a strong, pungent smell. Here are some steps you can follow to eat surströmming: It is important to note that surströmming is a strong-tasting food that may not be to everyone’s taste. If you […]
Surströmming, also known as sour herring, is a traditional Swedish delicacy made from fermented herring. It is a unique and polarizing food that has a strong, pungent smell and a distinctive taste that is often described as sour and salty. Surströmming is typically eaten in the summer months, and it is often served as a […]