Greetings, adventurous foodie! Ready to embark on a journey that’s as much about culture as it is about your courage and, let’s not mince words here, your nasal fortitude? Then buckle up, because we’re about to dive nose-first into the world of Surströmming festivals in Sweden.

You may be wondering, “What on Earth is Surströmming?” Well, it’s a traditional Swedish dish made from fermented herring. Known for its…let’s call it ‘distinctive’ aroma, Surströmming has made quite a name for itself around the globe.
But back to our main topic – Surströmming festivals. These aromatic celebrations typically take place from late August to early September, beginning on the third Thursday of August, fondly known as ‘Surströmming day’.
Now let’s explore some of these festivals and local events that make Surströmming the stinky star of the show.
1. Surströmmingsskivan, Alfta, Hälsingland
One of the best-known Surströmming festivals is Surströmmingsskivan. Held in Alfta, Hälsingland, in northern Sweden, this event marks the start of the Surströmming season.
Surströmmingsskivan is typically followed by a handful of strong alcohol, including bitters, aquavit, or vodka, as most Swedes enjoy. You may find yourself exchanging hearty laughs (and possibly grimaces) with fellow festival-goers while attempting to navigate the unique aroma and taste of Surströmming.
2. Surströmming Challenge
Perhaps the most daring of all Surströmming events is the Surströmming Challenge. This involves trying Surströmming for the first time and surviving to tell the tale! The challenge can be taken anywhere, but it’s most popular at festivals where you can share the experience (and the smell) with others.
If you’re brave enough, you can order Surströmming served in a piece of flatbread, buttered, and with some onions and potatoes. It’s not for the faint-hearted, but hey, it’s all part of the fun!
3. Local Surströmming Gatherings
Besides the grand events, Surströmming is often enjoyed at smaller gatherings with family and friends. These low-key celebrations offer a more intimate experience of this Swedish tradition. The dish is usually served as a sandwich, with waxy potatoes, red onions, and Swedish flatbread.
So, are you ready to embark on this unique culinary journey? Or perhaps you’ve already attended a Surströmming festival in Sweden and lived to tell the tale? We’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments below.