The surströmming challenge, also known as the surströmming dare, involves eating surströmming as a test of bravery or endurance. It is often considered a dare or a challenge because of the strong smell and unusual flavor of the dish, which can be off-putting to some people.
To participate in the surströmming challenge, a person must first obtain a can of surströmming. It is generally recommended to open the can outdoors, as the smell of the fermented herring can be quite strong and may linger in a room for a long time. Once the can is opened, the surströmming can be eaten as is, or it can be served with traditional accompaniments such as boiled potatoes, onions, and sour cream.
The surströmming challenge is not for everyone, as the strong smell and flavor of the dish can be difficult for some people to handle. However, it is a popular tradition in Sweden and is considered a delicacy by some.