Surströmming, also known as fermented herring, has a long and rich history in Sweden. It is believed to have been a popular food in Sweden for centuries, dating back to at least the 16th century. The traditional method of preparing surströmming involves salting and fermenting Baltic herring in a brine solution for several months. This process gives the fish its distinctive sour and pungent flavor and aroma.
Surströmming is traditionally eaten on Midsummer’s Eve in Sweden and is often served with boiled potatoes, diced onions, and dill. Some people also like to add sour cream or chives to their surströmming. It is typically eaten with a cold beer or aquavit.
Over the years, surströmming has become a popular and iconic dish in Sweden, with many people enjoying it as a part of their cultural heritage. Despite its strong flavor and aroma, surströmming has gained a loyal following of fans and is now enjoyed by people all over the world.